
单项选择题 设有如下三个关系表下列操作中正确的是( )。

单项选择题 若进程P1正在运行,操作系统强行撤下P1进程所占用的CPU,让具有更高优先级的进程P2运行,这种调度方式称为(7),此时P1进程处于(8)状态。(9)将CPU的时间分成若干个时间片轮流地为各个用户服务。

单项选择题 数字用户线路接入种类很多,其中非对称数字用户线是(43)。光纤接入网有多种,其中(44)是最理想的。

单项选择题 下列程序执行后的结果是______。 package ch1; import java.io.*; public class ex22 { static, String filename = 'ch1/kfile22.txt'; public static void main(String[] args) { try { FileWriter fr = new FileWriter(filename); PrintWriter pr = new PrintWriter(fr); String name = 'xiaoming'; String phone = '123456'; String age = '12'; pr.println(name + ',' + phone + ',' + age); pr.close(); fr.close(); } catch(IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace() } } }

单项选择题 以下选项中不采用组播协议的应用是(125)。在IPV4地址中,(126)类地址作为组播地址。

单项选择题 下列复用方式中,(112)是光纤通信中使用的复用方式,EI载波把32个信道按(113)方式复用在一条2.048Mb/s的高速信道上,每条话音信道的数据速率是(114)。

单项选择题 (接上一题)该点与计划S曲线的水平距离表示(70)。

单项选择题 Personal firewall is a technology that helps(66)intruders from accessing data on your PC via the Internet or another network, by keeping(67)data from entering or exiting your system.Hackers do not just target national security organizations for(68): They want your tax returns, network passwords, or bank account numbers. And you do not want the FBI kicking in your door because someone hijacked your PC to(69)in the latest denial-of-service attack on the Internet. Now that 'always-on' broadband connections such as cable modems and digital subscriber line are becoming more popular, home users are at risk. Fortunately, you can protect your data. Firewalls can block(70)attacks and protect your PC from outside threats.

单项选择题 data effectively is crucial for success in today's competitive environment. Managers must know how to use a variety of tools. Integrated data takes information from different sources and puts it together in a meaningful and useful way. One of the difficulties of this is the(72)in hardware and software.(73)integration uses a base document that contains copies of other objects.(74)integration uses a base document that contains the current or most recent version of the source document it contains.(75)provides an overview of the program written in' plain' English, without the computer syntax.

单项选择题 将十进制数-0.3125化成定点二进制补码表示的小数是(5)。将该数表示成二进制浮点规格化数,其阶码3位,尾数5位(均含1位符号),都用补码表示,该浮点数是(6)。

单项选择题 由6个字符的7位ASCII编码排列,再加上水平垂直奇偶校验位构成下列矩阵(最后一列为水平奇偶校验位,最后一行为垂直奇偶校验位)。字符:则X1X2X3X4处的比特分别为(7);X5X6X7X8处的比特分别为(8);X9X10X11X12处的比特分别为(9)。

单项选择题 Traditional structured analysis techniques focus upon the flow of(71)within a system. Object - oriented analysis emphasizes the building of real - world models. It examines requirements from the perspective of the classes and objects found in the vocabulary of the(72)domain.Traditional system design method emphasizes the proper and effective structure of a complex system. Object -oriented design method encompasses the process of object -oriented decomposition and a(73)for depicting both logical and physical as well as static and dynamic models of the system under design.Object - oriented programming is a method of implementation in which programs are organized as cooperative collections of objects, each of which represents an(74)of some class, and whose classes are all members of a hierarchy of classes united via(75)relationships.

单项选择题 FDDI的基本编码方法是(26)。在此基础上采用(27),编码以获得足够的同步信息,这样使编码效率提高到(28)。IEEE 802.3所采用的编码方式是(29),编码效率是(30)。

单项选择题 The approach we propose is a system-oriented methodology for knowledge acquisition. This orientation emphasizes ongoing documentation throughout each cycle and technique applied. Program-wide documentation is suggested, both for the purpose of internal(71)and for later verification and(72)efforts: The documentation system we propose includes a central 'knowledge acquisition(73)'which is(74)to reflect knowledge acquisition plans, session nodes, and domain expert participation. Specifically,(75)within the database system include knowledge acquisition forms, which document plans for, and notes from, knowledge acquisition session, domain expert file, and rule content forms.

单项选择题 在Windwos操作系统缺省状态下,下列关于文件复制的描述不正确的是(5);当选定文件或文件夹后,不将文件或文件夹放到“回收站”中,而直接删除的操作是(6)。

单项选择题 下面是关于树和线性结构的描述:线性结构存在惟一的没有前驱的(18),树存在惟一的没有前驱的(19):线性结构存在惟一的没有后继的(20),树存在多个没有后继的(21);线性结构其余元素均存在(22),树其余结点均存在(23)。由此可见,由于线性结构是一个(24)结构,元素之间存在的是(25)的关系,而树是一个(26)结构,元素之间存在的是(27)的关系。

单项选择题 一般可以将信息系统的开发分成5个阶段,即总体规划阶段、系统分析阶段、系统设计阶段、系统实施阶段、系统运行和评价阶段,在各个阶段中工作量最大的是(1)。在每个阶段完成后都要向下一阶段交付一定的文档,(2)是总体规划阶段交付的文档。(1)

单项选择题 软件测试的一项重要作业是设计测试用例。测试用例主要由输入数据和(1)两部分组成。测试用例的设计方法主要有黑盒方法和白盒方法。黑盒方法根据程序的(2)设计测试用例,而白盒方法则根据程序的(3)设计测试用例。单独测试一个模块时,有时需要有一个(4)程序(4)被测试的模块。有时还要一个或者几个(5)模块模拟由被测试模块调用的模块。

单项选择题 有以下程序 float fun(int x,int y) { return(x+y); } main() { int a=2,b=5,c=8; printf('%3.0f/n',fun((int)fun(a+c,B) ,a-C) ); } 程序运行后的输出结果是( )

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