单项选择题 The major problem with E-mail is that it is (1) easy to use that people can become (2) with messages. (3) they can possibly answer in a day. In addition, mail boxes require some management to (4) messages or archive those that might be required later. Senders don't always know about your E-mail backlog and often send (5) messages.
单项选择题 下图为某工程进度网络图。结点1为起点,结点11为终点,那么关键路径为(1),此工程最快(2)天完成。(1)
单项选择题 UML提供的图中,(44)用于描述系统与外部系统及用户之间的交互;(45)用于按时间顺序描述对象间的交互。
单项选择题 表示了类间“is-a”的关系,而(32)表示了类之间的“contains-a”关系。
单项选择题 栈和队列都是(2)。若进栈序列为1,2,3,4,则(3) 不可能是一个出栈序列。若进队列的序列为1,2,3,4,则(4)是一个进队列序列。