
单项选择题 欲知八位二进制数(b7~b0)的第2位(b2)是0还是1,可利用(14)与此数相与,并观察所得结果的是否为(15)。若想使某八位二进制数的各位取反,可用FFH与该数进行(16)运算。

单项选择题 在使用路由器R的TCP/IP网络中,两主机通过一路由器互联,提供主机A和主机 B应用层之间通信的层是(21),提供机器之间通信的层是(22),具有IP层和网络接口层的设备(23);在A与R和R与B使用不同物理网络的情况下,主机A和路由器R之间传送的数据帧与路由器R和主机B之间传送的数据帧(24),A与R之间传送的IP数据报和R与B之间传送的IP数据报(25)

单项选择题 A typical application of this(71)is ADSL. It is emerging as the technology for home-and small-office Internet connectivity. It provides either 1.5 Mb/s~8 Mb/s from the network to the user and 64 Kb/s~512 Kb/s in the reverse direction depending on the distance, 12 000 or 18 000 feet.. The different speed for each direction gives it the(72)label. ADSL is designed to take advantage of the fact that video-on demand, telecommuting, and Internet access traffic are inherently asymmetrical. The user(73)a brief message up to the network and receives a ton of data coming back, either a movie or a piece of data download. Under such a scenario, low-speed traffic to the network is just fine. ADSL delivers high(74)where you need it and only uses a single copper pair. Through multiplexing, it also reserves(75)of the bandwidth for POTS.

单项选择题 某双面盘记录区的外径为12cm,内径为10cm,磁道密度为80道/cm,内圈位密度为4000bit/cm则其格式化前总存储容量为(6)字节。该磁盘共有(7)个柱面,(8)条磁道。

单项选择题 测试与排错是相互联系而性质不同的两类活动,下列Ⅰ.证实程序有错Ⅱ.修改程序错误Ⅲ.忽视对象细节Ⅳ.了解对象细节( )是排错所应具有的特征。