
单项选择题 RISC是指(32)计算机。通常CPU具有高时钟频率,尽量使用单周期操作,其采用(33)控制方式。RISC机一般也采用(34)结构,遇到转移指令时可以采用延迟转移等办法来解决转移的相关性;并要求编译系统相配合。RISC机都采用了较大的(35)结构,以减少访问主存的频度,访内通常仅用LOAD/STORE类指令。RISC和(36)技术相结合是当前高速计算机发展的一个重要方向。

单项选择题 假设磁盘上每个磁道划分成9个物理块,每块存放1个逻辑记录。逻辑记录R1, R2,…,R9存放在同一个磁道上,记录的安排顺序如表5-5所示。假定磁盘的旋转速度为27ms/周,磁头当前处在R1的开始处,系统使用单缓冲区,当缓冲区内容处理完时才能再存放新的记录,且每个记录的处理时间为3ms。若系统顺序处理这些记录,则处理这9个记录的最长时间为(18);若对信息存储进行优化分布后,处理9个记录的最少时间为(19)。

单项选择题 已知有10个进程共享一个互斥段,如果最多允许6个进程同时进入互斥段,则信号量S的初值是(1),其变化范围是(2)。

单项选择题 Frame. Relay is simplified form. of(51), similar in principle to(52), in which synchronous, frames of data are routed to different destinations depending on header information.Packets are routed throught one or more Virtual Circuits known as(53). Most Virtual Circuits are(54), which means that the network provider sets up all DLCI connections at subscription time.(55)are also part of the Frame. Relay specification. They privide a link that only lasts only as long as the session.

单项选择题 In the following essay, each blank has four choices. Choose the best answer and write down on the answer sheet.Spread spectrum simply means that data is sent in small pieces over a number of the(16)frequencies available for use at any time in the specified range. Devices using(17)spread spectrum(DSSS) communicate by(18)each byte of data into several parts and sending them concurrently on different(19). DSSS uses a lot of the available(20), about 22 megahertz(MHz).