
单项选择题 ATM网络采用(11)多路技术传送信元,典型的数据速率为155.5Mbit/s,这样每秒大约可以传送(12)万个信元。采用短的、固定长度的信元,为使用硬件进行高速数据交换创造了条件。ATM是为B-ISDN定义的传输和交换方式,可以适应各种不同特性的电信业务,CBR(Constant Bit Rate)模拟(13)业务,适用这种业务的ATM适配层是(14),用于ATM局域网仿真的ATM适配层是(15)。

单项选择题 analysis emphasizes the drawing of pictorial system models to document and validate both existing and/or proposed systems. Ultimately, the system models become the(32)for designing and constructing an improved system. (33)is such a technique. The emphasis in this technique is process-centered. Systems analysts draw a series of process models called(34). (35)is another such technique that integrates data and process concerns into constructs called objects.

单项选择题 In recent years, one of the more popular topics for panel discussions at computer conferences and trade(61)has been the 'RISC versus CISC' debate.RISC processors feature a small number of instructions that each executes in(62)machine cycle. CISC processors use complex instructions that can take several cycles to execute.The RISC versus CISC debate won't be decided by panel discussion; it will be won in the marketplace. And the deciding factor may have little to do with(63)of instructions and registers and more to do with parallelism.Since their conception, RISC processors have been evolving toward micro parallelism, incorporating parallel-processing features(64)the processor, RISC processors feature pipelining, whereby many instructions can be decoded while one instruction executes. RISC processors, however, are moving toward pipelines for each unit of the processor.CISC processors also employ pipelining. They have many integer instructions that execute in one cycle, but the varying execution times of CISC instructions(65)the effectiveness of parallelism.

单项选择题 The Rational Unified Process(RUP)is a software engineering process, which captures many of best practices in modem software development. The notions of(36)and scenarios have been proven to be an excellent way to capture function requirements. RUP can be described in two dimensions - time and content. In the time dimension, the software lifecycle is broken into cycles. Each cycle is divided into four consecutive(37)which is concluded with a well-defined(38)and can be further broken down into(39)-a complete development loop resulting in a release of an executable product, a subset of the final product under development, which grows incrementally to become the final system. The content structure refers to the disciplines, which group(40)logically by nature.

单项选择题 The growth of switching has(135)a new generation of network management tools that help(136)cope with the challenges,(137)them to correlate device alarms in order to(138)pinpoint root causes, or to monitor service levels without depending on IP subnet schemes. These new tools have become essential to coping with the primary(139)effect of any treatment that significantly increases network flexibility: added complexity.

单项选择题 The relational database model requires the data be(110)through programs that don't rely on the position of the data in the database. This is in direct(111)to the other database mode, where the program has to follow a series of pointers to the data it seeks. A program(112)a relational database simply asks for the data it seeks; the DBMS performs the necessary searches and(113)the information. The(114)on how the search is done are specific to the DBMS and vary from product to product.

单项选择题 下面哪种攻击属于主动攻击? A.网络嗅探 B.邮件分析 C.流量分析 D.DDOS

单项选择题 关于CMIP的描述中,正确的是: A.MIP是IEEE制定的 B.MIP主要采用trap机制 C.MIP结构复杂 D.MIP支持SNMP服务

单项选择题 关于ADSL接入的描述中,正确的是: A.数据传输需要进行调制解调 B.传输介质采用同轴电缆 C.只支持TCP/IP网络 D.上行速率通常大于下行速率

单项选择题 以下哪种支付验证方式最安全?

单项选择题 防止网上银行账户被盗的有效方式是:

单项选择题 以下选项作为密码较合适的是()

单项选择题 关于Windows Server 2008操作系统的描述中,错误的是: A.系统集成IIS服务 B.虚拟化采用Hypervisor软件层 C.系统体现了动态IT技术的趋势 D.采用基于模拟器的虚拟化技术

单项选择题 关于交换式局域网的描述中,正确的是 A.采用共享介质 B.核心设备是交换机 C.只支持半双工通信 D.只支持1GpBs速率

单项选择题 IEEE802.15标准针对的网络是 A.无线个人区域网 B.无线传感器网 C.无线宽带城域网 D.无线局域网

单项选择题 某计算机字长为32位,浮点表示时,阶码占8位,尾数占24位(各包含 l位符号位),阶码用补码表示,尾数用原码表示,该浮点数能表示的最大正数是(5),能表示的最小负数是(6)。

单项选择题 为了提高计算机系统的可靠性,经常采用容错技术,校验技术等。如果一个系统由3个子系统构成,在串联方案中,3个子系统全部正常工作时,系统才能正常工作。如果3个子系统的可靠性分别为R1=0.7,R2=0.8,R3=0.9,则系统的可靠性R为(9)。若将子系统1、子系统2并联起来,再与子系统3串联起来,则此时当子系统1或2中有一个正常工作,且子系统3也正常工作时,整个系统即正常工作。此时整个系统的可靠性为(10)。

单项选择题 在面向对象程序设计语言中,(31)是利用可重用成分构造软件系统的最有效的特性,它不仅支持系统的可重用性,而且还有利于提高系统的可扩充性;(32)可以及实现发送一个通用的消息而调用不同的方法;(33)是实现信息隐蔽的一种技术,其目的是使类的(34)相互分离。

单项选择题 软件开发模型用于指导软件开发。演化模型是在快速开发一个(28)的基础上,逐步演化成最终的软件。螺旋模型综合了(29)的优点,并增加了(30)。喷泉模型描述的是面向(31)的开发过程,反映了该开发过程的(32)特征。

单项选择题 如果需要下载浙商银行APP,下列哪种做法最不可取?